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Introducing KeyShot 6

KeyShot is the fastest and easiest to use 3D CAD renderer available. With industry leading render speed, Keyshot is several times faster than most native render engines of CAD software and other 3D rendering software on the market. Unlike most other 3D renderers, Keyshot does not have a steep learning curve allowing CAD users to become proficient in Keyshot after only a couple of hours learning. The rendered models below speak for themselves…

KeyShot Deliverator Image by Igor Sobolevsky

“KeyShot allows for the quickest exploration of CMF (colors, materials, and finishes) which can help determine if the design’s shape, movement, shadows and highlights, are complimentary to the CMF.”

For more information, see “Igor Sobolevsky and Keyshot”.

“KeyShot is simple to deploy and use on non-standard products, a user-friendly software that is also strongly professional. Due to the ease-of-use, KeyShot helps us to save time and money, and at the same time, improves our capability to communicate complex products, even moreso with dedicated CAD plugin.”

For more information, see “Alstom products and Keyshot”.

KeyShot Alstom Engine Rendering

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